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It is MINUS 400m from the sea level and the lowest spot in the world. It's temperature is higher than other areas because of that in contrast to low temprature in high mountains. It's water is high bouyant since it contains 30% of salt. If you go into the water, you will enjoy a strange experience by feeling the strong ascending force. Be careful not to get the salty water into your eye, it makes acute pain. ( It is not mentioned in most of guidebooks, that we have pain in our urethral tube. )

There is an area called "Amman beach", where there are many good hotels on the north east coast of the DeadSea. The place where this panorama was taken is about 10km to the south from Amman beach, where there are many pools of natural hot springs on the beach. If you want to go to this place, go along the road from Amman beach and when you find a play equipment of rotating swing chairs (like the one used in an amusement park ), then stop the car and go down to the beach.

Upper photo ( center ) shows how salt crystallizes stones under the water. Here we can see beautiful salt formationes.

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